General rules

By using the services connected to the (hereinafter referred to as “the service”), the reader is required to comply with the conditions and terms of use specified below.

These conditions concern the owner of the site and manager of the site itself with the related services.

Each reader is required to periodically consult these conditions to ensure changes subsequent to the last consultation.

The manager reserves the right to modify, delete or add parts of these conditions.

Conditions of use of the site services by readers

The manager reserves the right to modify, delete or add content to the service, deny access to it and modify, delete or add material (visual content, photographs, and generic material) to such content.

The services of the site and its contents are protected by the copyright laws in force in Italy and by international copyright laws. The reader is not authorized to modify, publish, transmit, share, assign in use for any reason, reproduce (beyond the limits specified below), rework, distribute, perform, give access or commercially exploit the contents or services in any way ( including the software) of this site even partially.

The reader must not in any way interfere with the correct functioning of the service or its parts or cause damage to the operator or other readers.

The reader, for personal use only, can copy the contents of the site, without modifying them and faithfully reporting the origin and data relating to copyright. Uses other than personal uses are expressly prohibited, except where explicitly indicated and only after written authorization from the site manager.

Terms of use of services by content generators

The manager reserves the right to deny the deletion, modification or addition of content to anyone. The manager can remove comments or articles posted by any user even without any reason.

The user who posts content assumes full responsibility for it. The content must be original, or authorized by the author, and not include elements that could damage the service or its manager. The content must not in any way contain discriminatory language towards other people (racial differences, religious implications, sexual inclinations, physical or mental conditions, and more) and in any way slanderous.

The comments to the contents are also to be considered contained.

The manager does not guarantee the possibility of commenting on the contents.

The reader and the content generator agree to accept discussions. Disagreement between users is perfectly normal but managers will not tolerate attacks and disrespect between one user and another.

If a discussion generates problems between the parties involved, the managers, acting as moderators, will be able to close the discussion and deny the use of the service, partial or total, to the users involved even without explanation.

Using links

The service contains links to resources external to it.

The manager is not responsible for the actual accessibility and availability of these resources (and related contents or materials) external to the service.

The reader is encouraged to contact the administrator of these external resources if they encounter any problems.

Viewing the site

The operators do not guarantee the correct display of the service on all devices or browsers.

The service produces HTML5 and CSS3 output and is optimized for Google Chrome browsers, therefore managers cannot guarantee correct viewing on browsers other than it.

Reader Disclaimer

The reader will indemnify the managers and the subjects connected to them from and against any liability and prejudicial consequence, including, without exception, legal fees defined according to the professional rate incurred by the managers as a result of legal actions deriving from their misconduct.